I must confess. I am tired. I am worn out. My brain is full. I feel a little unable to solve anymore problems this minute. This limbo phase is tough for me. In the last 4 weeks we have sold a house, put a contract on a house, secured financing and insurance for said house, moved out of a house, found two homes for our cat and moved in with my parents all in the midst of a little fund-raising "tour" of churches on the weekends. In the next two weeks we need to renegotiate the selling price of our home in Tulsa (new development), find another home for our cat, secure personal health insurance, secure church liability insurance and continue the "tour". All the while, the issue with a rental car I had an accident with on our video shoot trip to Tulsa is developing and with each new development, it looks worse and worse. Here's some free advice. If you're renting a car for church business, rent it in the church's name, not your own. BIG MISTAKE!
I'm not complaining. I'm just sharing where I am as of this moment in time. I'm fine and I'll make it through. I'm thrilled to be following God and He is my source of everything. I could just use some prayers . . . and a day off :)
Jason Fitch - Lead Pastor
"Just remember why you are in this". (Someone told me that) You have a lot of people supporting you. Take the day off - that is a manageable step!