Saturday, October 31, 2009

DVDs are here!

Our DVDs, "Introducing Freedom Valley Tulsa" are here . . . finally!

They contain a 15 minute film telling the story of what God has done thus far in directing us to plant Freedom Valley Tulsa!

I would love to send a free copy to anyone who is interested to see it. If you would like a copy (or more than one), just leave your name and mailing address on this post.

There is a preview for you to see on an earlier post from a few weeks back . . .

what a week!

What a week it's been . . . to catch up:

Sunday: Took a team of 4 men from our launch team to Heritage AG in Gettysburg. What a great day that was. That church was really warm and inviting. It is obvious that Pastor Jeff Wilson and his leadership team has built a solid culture of missions and reaching outside of their own church! One very cool thing was how multiple people came to me afterward wide-eyed about how much God's anointing was all over me as I spoke. Yeah, that's cool in itself, but even better was I felt completely normal. Sure, I felt like it went well, but I didn't feel anything like people reported seeing and feeling from me. The lesson there . . . God is going to operate through me (and any of us) quite independently. God does not need my consent to work through me. I just feel blessed and very humble that He would choose to.

Monday: Our POD arrived and we got about half-way loaded up

Tuesday: It rained and I was frustrated. Could not load anything up. Should have just gone to work as usual.

Wednesday: It rained again, but I learned my lesson from Tuesday. I did not attempt to load up. I just went to work as normal and it was a great day. We also moved in with my parents this day.

Thursday: With the help of Jake, Shawna, Heather, Stephanie and Daniel we got completely packed up and out of our home in Hanover.

Friday: We settled on our home in Hanover and received the biggest check I've ever had in hand yet! Too bad it's only for a couple weeks until we buy the next house :) The good news, though . . . we get to tithe off that huge sum of money. I can hardly wait to write that tithe check!

Today is Saturday and I'm just finishing up preparing to speak and present some vision at Family Worship Center in Red Lion, PA. I am believing that God will do more wonderful things there tomorrow.

Thanks so much for your prayers!

Jason Fitch - Lead Pastor

Monday, October 19, 2009

God is building our team

God has added some awesome new people to our launch team as of late. In the last few weeks, Stephanie Rider and Evan Stoltzfoos have decided to join the team. And just this evening Josh and Bekah Ploch, with their boys Bailey and Jamie have decided to join the team. Welcome everyone!

All I can say is that I can’t even imagine what God is up to. He is assembling such a great team. God is building a serious butt-kicking church (is that ok to say?) and were going to help! How cool.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

busy weekend

Wow, this weekend was a whirlwind. God is at work in so many ways.

Yesterday, I had a great day with Jake, Derek, Evan and Matt down at NCC in DC, where Jake played on the worship team and even lead a couple songs. I loved being with those guys. We got to dream a little on the Metro train and at Ebenezers. Late night, but a great night.

This morning I had the great privilege of speaking at FVSH. You can watch the video here if you'd like. Just click on "online sermons" and find today's date. I was joined by my family, Shawna, Derek, Jason Allder and the Gessers. It was great to have the team share what God is doing in their lives with the congregation at FVSH.

We just got home from our last life group meeting. It was great, as usual. I'll really miss so many people when we're gone and the ones at our life group will be among some of those I will miss the most.

Jason Fitch - Lead Pastor

Friday, October 16, 2009

not everyone is homeless!

I was just talking online with Jake Lewis and it looks like he, Shawna and Evan have found a home. Well, a town home and it looks like a great place. Sara and I found a great place last week too. So, the first two families from our launch team scheduled to move actually have a place to move to! Great news.

I'm going to be preaching at FVSH this weekend at 11am. I'll be joined by my awesome family, Daniel St.Armand and Shawna Lewis. I'm really looking forward to being there. I believe this is my 3rd or 4th time speaking at that church this year and I like those people more every time!

The best news of all? Our church may even have a home! Last week when I was in Tulsa I saw a great movie theater (12 screens and and I-max - pictured below) in a perfect location. Surely some church would already be using such a place in such a prime location, but I checked the availability just to follow every lead. Turns out it is both available and priced pretty reasonably. There is also another theater (8 screens) nearby that is a possibility. I can hardly wait to do a visit to those sites in December when we move!

I can hardly believe God has chosen me to be part of something so exciting. Hey, the next time someone tells you being Christian is boring, tell them they are full of . . . well, tell them they're wrong!

Jason Fitch - Lead Pastor

Monday, October 12, 2009

much needed update

Wow, so much is happening with Freedom Valley Tulsa. Where to start . . . I better just bullet the highlights . . .
  • Sara and I bought a home in Tulsa last week. Looks like we're committed :)
  • I was invited to enter the assessment process with ARC last week. That's a great step forward. I feel very positive about ARC and cannot wait to be associated with those guys on a deeper level.
  • In the last few weeks we have added 2 additional members on our launch team . . . welcome to Stephanie Rider and Evan Stoltzfoos!
  • We are building toward some very significant financial support through a network of relationships with various churches and individuals. I'm blown away at what God is doing!
  • I went yesterday with a team of four others to "The Village Church" in Bedford, PA. We had a great service there. Rich Fogal is a top notch man and leader. Any church would be lucky to have him as their pastor.
I met so many cool people in Tulsa last week. I'm back in PA this week, but my heart is still in OK. It is now less than two months until our family moves. It's getting close!

Jason Fitch - Lead Pastor