Monday, August 10, 2009

as the appalachian trail relates to church planting

Last week my friend Derek and I decided to take off for a hike on the AT. We decided Friday morning that as soon as we finished our Sunday responsibilities we would head up the AT and camp at the first shelter and then return home in the morning in time to head off to work. For those 50 some hours until we left we were so excited. We only talked about how ready and happy we were to hit the trail. We were ready for a refreshing change of atmosphere, it felt long over due. We were not 10min on the AT when I realized that my pack is way to heavy and maybe we should not have brought so much water. All kind of thoughts started to make me question what we were thinking and how we could have been so excited about hiking up the AT directly after working all day and going straight to work in the morning. When we finally reached the top of the mountain and felt the relief rush into our legs it became clear again that this is definitely what we wanted and was well worth the climb.

I am so excited about moving to Tulsa, starting a new job, finding a new home, making new friends and launching Freedom Valley Tulsa. In many ways I feel the exact same feeling about this adventure as I did about our trip on the AT. I just don't want any of us to be in the dark about the actual moment we have to put our plans into action. There may be moments that are really difficult and some may even contemplate what on earth where we thinking? Its what follows those moments that will shape your future and allow God to take you further.

Jake Lewis - Lead Worshiper

1 comment:

  1. yeah dude. well said. I was thinking the same thing on the AT.
