Thursday, June 24, 2010

blessing from a friend

I picked up 8 portable church cases today.  They are huge and wonderful and they were a gift from a great new friend.  Brad Jenkins at The Gathering offered them to us last week and I was not about to refuse.  These will really change the way we pack, load and unload our equipment for church in the theater.  I can hardly wait to figure out how to pack them and start using them! 

You know, before I moved to Tulsa, everyone warned me how competitive and unloving the pastors of other churches would be.  My experience over the last six months has been the exact opposite.  We have been welcomed with open arms.  Thank you Tulsa pastors, for that.  Thank you, Brad, for those awesome cases today.  And if you're looking for a great church, try out The Gathering.

Jason Fitch - Lead Pastor

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Free Ice Cream for Dads Today!

Hey dads, the ice cream is on us today.  Visit Freckles on 71st and Mingo today (June 19) from 1pm-3pm and get a free ice cream cone.  Compliments of Freedom Valley Church.  Just because dads are cool and it's hot outside today.

Jason Fitch - Lead Pastor

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Big Opportunity = Big God

Last week I posted a blog about the big opportunities ahead to open the church debt free. This week, God has helped us with some big progress. Our team conceived a plan we are beginning work on and I connected with several people this week who may be helpful toward our financial goals! I also met with a pastor this morning who's church has several portable church cases that he is going to give us! I continue to be amazed by God!

If you want to read a more detailed update on the church, click here for our latest e-newsletter, which just came out today.

Jason Fitch - Lead Pastor

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

BIG opportunity

I've had a sense, as of late, that I should run the numbers and see just how much God has blessed us to date. I knew it was big, but didn't realize how big. Since December 1, 2009, God has brought over $85,000 in cash into our church! That is absolutely huge and if you were part of that, I want to say THANK YOU!!

Even more exciting than that, I have figured that if God blesses us with another $35,000 in the next 3 months, we can reach our grand opening absolutely debt-free! In real terms, that means that all the money we have been and will continue to put aside for future church planting efforts can immediately go toward church planting instead of paying back money we would have borrowed to open this church!

I am asking for your help in reaching this goal. Perhaps you will consider praying, fasting and even giving a special gift toward our goal of opening debt free. You click here to give a financial gift and I would love to hear from you if you are praying or fasting with us!

Jason Fitch - Lead Pastor 

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Church is on tomorrow!

Freedom Valley Church will be having it's third monthly service tomorrow morning at 10 am at the Tulsa Cinemark on 71st and 169.  You can get all the info on our website.  I will be continuing our "Primal" series.  Tomorrow we talk about the lost soul of Christianity.  Hope you're there with us!

Jason Fitch - lead pastor