Tuesday, January 12, 2010

real work may begin

Real work. I say this tongue in cheek. I know that the team and I have been doing "real work" all along. Moving your life over one thousand miles and reestablishing your identity in a new and strange city is work, but a common feeling is developing among our team. Let's get to work! I sure feel that too. So, here's an update on our work:
  • There are 23 of our 32 team members now living in Tulsa. Everyone is in their home and getting settled.
  • Our office space is almost complete. It is painted, with the exception of a few touch-ups. Derek is hanging the ceiling fan and lighting today and the carpet installer is coming to take measurements today.
  • We have begun regular weekly meetings for our start up staff. (We have dropped the term "launch team". We decided that terminology is way too "churchy")
  • We begin regular finance meetings this evening.
  • Though it still needs some work, our website is up and running.
  • Fund-raising efforts are going slow. Although a good plan is in place to cover my personal salary, there is very little regular funding for our week to week expenses. I have numerous churches and individuals who have given me verbal commitments, but not much has come of that yet. I would appreciate your prayers on that front.
  • I had a very promising lunch with a professor and church planter (same guy) at ORU yesterday. It feels like God is building a church planting movement here in Tulsa!
  • Sara and I go to Atlanta on Jan 25-26 to our assessment with ARC. I'm nervous and excited about that one.
Well, I left some things out, but this is long enough. Thank you for your prayers and your encouragement. I would love to hear your thoughts. Leave a comment here or via our website's contact form.

Jason Fitch - Lead Pastor


  1. Not sure if "launch team" is too churchy, but I also felt like the term was irrelevant to people outside of church planting and NASA. We actually converted our name to the Street Team because it identified what we were doing more effectively to those involved, as well as who we were reaching.

    Praying for you guys. Tear it up, bro!

  2. Thanks Rich! Hope things are going great at Element Church!
