Saturday, January 30, 2010

wrestling with options

There seems to be an unwritten rule in America. The more options you have, the better. I disagree. I can hardly even process more than 3 at a time. I'm processing some options right now with some great input from our leadership team.

Name. Is it important to have the term "church" in your name? There are some studies and other opinion-driven writings that suggest it is. Last year when we settled on the name "Freedom Valley Tulsa", I was a little concerned that it did not adequately identify who we are. Well, I'm still concerned about that and we are strongly considering a small tweak and changing over to "Freedom Valley Church".

Location. It's down to three; Cinemark Theater, Union Intermediate High, and Union 6th and 7th grade center. The theater just made a huge prices concession, so the prices are all very similar. We have asked the theater management to let us stay in a bit later than they originally proposed. If they go for it, I think the theater will be our home. If they don't, I think we'll be in a school.

Decisions coming soon. Check back often. I'd deeply appreciate your prayers on both fronts. By the way, I'm praying that the theater does work out as our location.

Jason Fitch - Lead Pastor

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