Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The team in Tulsa is growing!

As I write this, 20 of our 32 launch team members have arrived in Tulsa. Today, we have the pleasure of unloading two trucks; one with the Trouts' belongings and one with the Gessers'. Josh and Bekah Ploch are in town for a few days as well. I'm so glad for the time with them.

It feels like we're well into the "just get to Tulsa" season for the team. The next big thing I can feel God pressing on me is "find a location and get the word out". The Tulsa Cinemark is still a very good possibility, but I want to look at more. A few of us toured the convention center wing of the Renaissance Hotel yesterday. It's nice, but pretty expensive. It's perks are balanced by it's drawbacks and I'm not thinking its a very real possibility for us, but I'm open to God's leading. We are also working hard to convert my garage to our office space. It's coming along nicely.

Our team would really appreciate and benefit from you prayers in a few key areas:
  • safety for everyone traveling to and from Tulsa in the next couple weeks
  • direction on a meeting place
  • numerous new relationships to be built in the coming weeks
Well, I better get ready. We do have two trucks to unload today :)

Jason Fitch - Lead Pastor


  1. Jason, not sure if you noticed, but there is a vacant property immediately north of Asbury on the corner. It is a small, red-brick, empty church. I believe the property is for sale, but they may be willing to rent it. There is also another vacant property just north of that one on Mingo that used to be an appliance store. Looks kind of like a modulare building. Not really sure what you are looking for or how large, but we thought we'd mention it. It was great to see you and meet your family and friends last Sunday. Many blessings.

  2. Thanks for the leads Vicki! We are going to check a few more things out, but we're feeling pretty positive about the Cinemark on 71st and 169. It was great seeing you and Ed on Sunday!
